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Results for "keyword: "vocation""
An Interview with Thomas Moore An interview with bestselling author Thomas Moore about the lessons he's learned and spiritual practices we can do on our quest to discover our life's work.
Beyond Happiness Ezra Bayda on giving from the generosity of the heart as one of the essential roots of true contentment.
Your Personal Renaissance Outlines steps on the path of transformation.
Dreams Around the World A hopeful children's book of stories and dreams of thirteen children around the world.
Diversity of Vocations Marie Dennis on stopping to listen and hearing the rhythm of God's voice.
Spiritual Letters Letters in which Sister Wendy comes across as a sensitive and engaged spiritual director.
Diversity of Vocations Celebrates the discernment of vocation as a spiritual adventure filled with joy and mystery and meaning.
Following the Path An exploration of the joys of living a meaningful and fulfilling life by discerning your calling.
Into the Depths A spiritual memoir by a Benedictine nun about the faith, courage, and surrender to grace after a trauma.
The Unquiet Monk An immersion in the life and thought of a perpetual pilgrim.